数あるSQLアプリケーションの中でもダントツで早く! 簡単に! 使えるものです。まずはじめにC++(というかC言語)で利用するために適当なデーターベースを作っておきます。test.dbとしてファイルを保存しました。なんでもいいです。
create table mytable(ID integer, NAME text)
さて、SQLについては実はよく知らないんですけど() とりあえずSQLite3をコンパイルしてリンクして使ってみました。まずはじめに今回使うAPIを利用順に提示していきます。
int sqlite3_open( const char *filename, /* Database filename (UTF-8) */ sqlite3 **ppDb /* OUT: SQLite db handle */ );
こいつはfilenameを指定してデーターベースを開くあるいは作成する関数です。だいたいまずはじめに実行します。sqlite3*型へのポインタを渡して書き換えてインスタンスを生成します。まあエラーコードを返すのに戻り値を消費してしまったから引数で書き換えようとしたんですね; C++なら参照で書きたかったかな。std::tupleとかでもいいですね。(余談)
The sqlite3_exec() interface is a convenience wrapper around sqlite3_prepare_v2(), sqlite3_step(), and sqlite3_finalize(), that allows an application to run multiple statements of SQL without having to use a lot of C code.
int sqlite3_exec( sqlite3*, /* An open database */ const char *sql, /* SQL to be evaluated */ int (*callback)(void*,int,char**,char**), /* Callback function */ void *, /* 1st argument to callback */ char **errmsg /* Error msg written here */ );
callbackはコールバック関数で、それに渡す引数が次のvoid*型です。errmsgはエラーメッセージ出力用ですね。callback, parameter, errmsgは省略可能です。その際はNULLを渡します。(nullptrとは書いてなかったです)
If an sqlite3_exec() callback returns non-zero, the sqlite3_exec() routine returns SQLITE_ABORT without invoking the callback again and without running any subsequent SQL statements.
The 2nd argument to the sqlite3_exec() callback function is the number of columns in the result. The 3rd argument to the sqlite3_exec() callback is an array of pointers to strings obtained as if from sqlite3_column_text(), one for each column. If an element of a result row is NULL then the corresponding string pointer for the sqlite3_exec() callback is a NULL pointer. The 4th argument to the sqlite3_exec() callback is an array of pointers to strings where each entry represents the name of corresponding result column as obtained from sqlite3_column_name().
int sqlite3_prepare_v2( sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */ const char *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-8 encoded */ int nByte, /* Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */ sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */ const char **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */ );
int sqlite3_bind_int(sqlite3_stmt*, int, int);
The second argument is the index of the SQL parameter to be set. The leftmost SQL parameter has an index of 1.
The third argument is the value to bind to the parameter.
int sqlite3_bind_text(sqlite3_stmt*,int,const char*,int,void(*)(void*));
If the fourth parameter to sqlite3_bind_text() or sqlite3_bind_text16() is negative, then the length of the string is the number of bytes up to the first zero terminator.
The fifth argument to the BLOB and string binding interfaces is a destructor used to dispose of the BLOB or string after SQLite has finished with it. (中略) If the fifth argument has the value SQLITE_TRANSIENT, then SQLite makes its own private copy of the data immediately, before the sqlite3_bind_*() routine returns.
After a prepared statement has been prepared using either sqlite3_prepare_v2() or sqlite3_prepare16_v2() or one of the legacy interfaces sqlite3_prepare() or sqlite3_prepare16(), this function must be called one or more times to evaluate the statement.
int sqlite3_step(sqlite3_stmt*);
The details of the behavior of the sqlite3_step() interface depend on whether the statement was prepared using the newer "v2" interface sqlite3_prepare_v2() and sqlite3_prepare16_v2() or the older legacy interface sqlite3_prepare() and sqlite3_prepare16(). The use of the new "v2" interface is recommended for new applications but the legacy interface will continue to be supported.
In the legacy interface, the return value will be either SQLITE_BUSY, SQLITE_DONE, SQLITE_ROW, SQLITE_ERROR, or SQLITE_MISUSE. With the "v2" interface, any of the other result codes or extended result codes might be returned as well.
SQLITE_BUSY means that the database engine was unable to acquire the database locks it needs to do its job. If the statement is a COMMIT or occurs outside of an explicit transaction, then you can retry the statement. If the statement is not a COMMIT and occurs within an explicit transaction then you should rollback the transaction before continuing.
SQLITE_DONE means that the statement has finished executing successfully. sqlite3_step() should not be called again on this virtual machine without first calling sqlite3_reset() to reset the virtual machine back to its initial state.
If the SQL statement being executed returns any data, then SQLITE_ROW is returned each time a new row of data is ready for processing by the caller. The values may be accessed using the column access functions. sqlite3_step() is called again to retrieve the next row of data.
For all versions of SQLite up to and including, a call to sqlite3_reset() was required after sqlite3_step() returned anything other than SQLITE_ROW before any subsequent invocation of sqlite3_step().
int sqlite3_column_int(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);
stmt, 及び列番号iColを指定することで値を取得できます。ただし、列番号は0オリジンであることに注意が必要です。
const unsigned char *sqlite3_column_text(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);
The sqlite3_reset() function is called to reset a prepared statement object back to its initial state, ready to be re-executed. Any SQL statement variables that had values bound to them using the sqlite3_bind_*() API retain their values. Use sqlite3_clear_bindings() to reset the bindings.
The sqlite3_finalize() function is called to delete a prepared statement. If the most recent evaluation of the statement encountered no errors or if the statement is never been evaluated, then sqlite3_finalize() returns SQLITE_OK. If the most recent evaluation of statement S failed, then sqlite3_finalize(S) returns the appropriate error code or extended error code.
The application must finalize every prepared statement in order to avoid resource leaks. It is a grievous error for the application to try to use a prepared statement after it has been finalized. Any use of a prepared statement after it has been finalized can result in undefined and undesirable behavior such as segfaults and heap corruption.
The sqlite3_close() and sqlite3_close_v2() routines are destructors for the sqlite3 object. Calls to sqlite3_close() and sqlite3_close_v2() return SQLITE_OK if the sqlite3 object is successfully destroyed and all associated resources are deallocated.
int main() { sqlite3* db; printf("開く:\n"); sqlite3_open("test.db", &db); // 一覧の取得 { sqlite3_exec(db, "select ID, NAME from mytable;", [](void* p, int n, char** text_list, char** name_list) -> int { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { printf("%s : %s\t", name_list[i], text_list[i]); } printf("\n"); return 0; }, nullptr, nullptr); } printf("トランザクション開始: \n"); { int ret = sqlite3_exec(db, "begin;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); } printf("追加:\n"); { sqlite3_stmt* stmt; { char str[] = "insert into mytable values(?, ?);"; int ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, str, -1, &stmt, nullptr); } int id; char name[32]; printf("(ID,NAME)を入力してね: "); scanf_s("%d,%s", &id, name, 32); sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, id); sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2, name, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); while (true) { int ret = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (ret == SQLITE_BUSY) { continue; } else if (ret == SQLITE_DONE) { break; } } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); } // コミット printf("コミット: \n"); { int ret = sqlite3_exec(db, "commit;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); } printf("検索:\n"); { sqlite3_stmt* stmt; { char str[] = "select ID, NAME from mytable;"; sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, str, strlen(str), &stmt, nullptr); } while (true) { int ret = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (ret == SQLITE_BUSY) { continue; } else if (ret == SQLITE_DONE) { break; } else if (ret == SQLITE_ROW) { int id = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0); const unsigned char *name = sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1); printf("ID=%d, NAME=%s\n", id, name); } } // stmt を開放 sqlite3_finalize(stmt); } printf("終了:\n"); sqlite3_close(db); getchar(); getchar(); return 0; }